Beauty three Makeup Sponge Packaging
現代社會資訊發展快速,女權觀念崛起, 快速俐落、富有想法對於追求目標、夢想的女性一直展露頭角。 然而身為化妝用品的永和三美人,我們期許塑造她成為這樣的新時代女性 故標準字的設計上,主要以女性優雅俐落的感受為出發點, 再輔以明體字作為基礎架構的延伸,營造出簡潔中帶有現代的設計感。
永和三美人身為40多年的粉撲品牌,是陪伴許多人化妝使用的經典產品。 包裝設計上,不完全推翻過去設計/顏色,延續永和三美人精神,除去於過多裝飾,不隨波逐流的風格,讓包裝變得更簡約,一眼能認出是永和三美人商品。
#台灣製造 #經典 #時尚

The rapid development of information in modern society, the rise of feminist concepts, and the rapid and neat, full of ideas have been showing up for women pursuing goals and dreams. However, as the Beauty Three in cosmetics, we hope to shape her into such a new-age woman. Therefore, the design of standard characters is mainly based on the elegant and neat feeling of women, creating a simple and modern design.
As a powder puff brand for more than 40 years, Beauty Three is a classic product that accompanies many people to use makeup. In terms of packaging design, it does not completely overthrow the past design/color, and continues the spirit of Beauty Three. Excluding the excessive decoration and non-following style, the packaging becomes simpler, and you can recognize the Beauty Three at a glance.