HGA ROOT Packaging
我們使用高品質的美術紙,以展現紙張的獨特質感和紋理,強調品牌的尊貴和專業形象。維持原有盒型結構,為消費者提供開箱體驗。 文字和編排的設計將彰顯HGA品牌的專業和品質,同時清晰說明產品特點和優勢,幫助消費者做出明智選擇,體現品牌的質感和價值。

This product is the second offering from HGA, and RunRun Yan is dedicated to supplementing the body's deficiency in iron, promoting blood replenishment, and thereby achieving a healthy circulatory system. We continue the brand's tone and aim to create an attractive, high-quality packaging design to communicate the brand's values and commitments to consumers.
Diverging from the previous packaging approach, the balance between clinic and pharmacy channels and medical aesthetic clinics is now clearer. Beyond just the packaging design, we collaborate with HGA from a brand perspective to target specific customer segments, aligning with the aesthetic preferences of the revised customer base.
We use high-quality art paper to showcase the unique texture and feel of the paper, emphasizing the brand's prestige and professional image. Maintaining the original box structure provides consumers with an unboxing experience. The design of text and layout will highlight HGA's professionalism and quality, clearly explaining product features and advantages to help consumers make informed choices, reflecting the brand's sophistication and value.