Chinese Tea Gallery Rebranding & Packaging
傳承分享的華茶大館 位於香港的茶葉供應公司,已有50多年的歷史,華茶館於2014年成立,源自長輩的心血創作 - 「華茶大觀」,目的想將中華茶文化推廣至全球各地。而隨著時代的變遷,全球流通便利,華茶館不僅將中華茶文化推至全球各地,甚至還引入世界各地的茶文化至華人市場,使茶文化能夠相互學習、分享。
東西共融,海納百川 「華」對於亞洲地區是一個代表性詞彙,而我們重新定義了華的概念,「華」不只是一個亞洲地區的代稱,也是代表著多元共生的一個文化群體。

A tea supply company located in Hong Kong with a history of more than 50 years. Chinese Tea Gallery was established in 2014. It is derived from the creation of the elders-"Hua Tea Grand View", with the purpose of spreading Chinese tea culture to all over the world. With the changes of the times and the convenience of global circulation, Hua Tea House not only promotes Chinese tea culture to all parts of the world, but also introduces tea culture from all over the world to the Chinese market, so that tea culture can learn and share with each other.
Harmony of East and West, inclusive of all rivers "Hua" is a representative word for the Asian region, and we redefine the concept of "Hua". "Hua" is not only a synonym for the Asian region, but also represents a cultural group that coexists with diversity.
the brand concept and gather tea cultures from all over the world. The packaging design will allow those who like Eastern and Western teas to freely choose and place them in the gift box.